sábado, 19 de enero de 2013


This week, our comment is about the news: Pooling resources for local development, Tanzanian women take matters into their own hands, which can be read through this link:


Reading this made us think over the way women manage things.
According to Emmy Kiula’s statement in this article: “by deciding collectively, we all hold each other accountable for our actions”, it is obvious women do not organize themselves in a pyramidal way and they reject the leader figure. Usually, a woman doesn’t look for hierarchy; she looks for a consensus based on experience. Therefore, the person who coordinates favors and stimulates the participation of others. Women coordinate, they do not take  leadership; so we establish action networks. 

Anthropologically, women have always had to associate themselves with other women in order to survive, to educate the offspring and for their basic necessities. So we could say we have a lot of experience that reflects in “associativism” and becomes very useful to generate new answers for today necessities. 

In the industrialized countries of the “first world”, we usually have the basic necessities covered in order to survive. Women have reached a certain degree of freedom, independence and autonomy, so we think we have overcome everything; therefore, we do not feel the need to unite ourselves, to share, to exchange. Shut in our own bubble, we do not see ourselves through the mirror of other women, with the consequent difficulty to reencounter our feminine identity.
Nevertheless, in other parts of the world, women are very aware of the necessities they have, of the lack of resources, and the lack of education and freedom as well. This has taken them to unite themselves, as a means of survival.
Beyond the need for survival –in the first world it is not so pressing- the feminine universe still has the imperious need to project itself in a common way. Women are not isolated stars but a firmament; in the 21st century we have to give new answers … they are urgently needed.
As some suggestions for this new answers, we have to take into account that:
Women’s path, the feminine path, is not an individual path; it is one of solidarity, made to walk in a group, together.
In this path, we are not moving towards leadership, we are moving towards coordination and the establishment of networks.
Associativism is our most useful instrument.

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