sábado, 9 de febrero de 2013


Our blog news of this week is that WE HAVE REACHED 10 YEARS!

On February 9th of 2003, Feminine Inspiration started a path in the discovery of the Feminine Identification. With the advice and guidance of our Master Dr. José Luis Padilla, a group of six women through themselves to the task of searching in the feminine nature, with the objective of discovering women’s, female’s identity, but above all, the feminine identity.

To this day, the group has gone through different phases.

There was a time, in the beginning, when testimony was given through small sketches, then with small theatre plays to transmit the message of what was discovered in a creative way.

Later, the publications came, five books where the investigation, development and proposals the group has elaborated during this time where gathered.

Then came a leap, with the organization of International congresses, when a certain interest aroused because of what the testimonial group was showing.

Then came the evidence period. Evidences that aroused as a consequence of the demands. In seeing that the group was giving testimony, that had a very defined origin, and that offered themselves, so appeared the need and the demand of other groups of women to start to develop and to investigate, as well, on the feminine identity. This demand has expanded little by little, in such a way that, the original group of Feminine Inspiration, has its equivalents in different schools, not only in the Neijing Schools, but also in groups with other philosophies, but that are interested in our way of seeing things.

We now enter in the time of hope. Hopes that imply new realizations.

We are in the 21st century and the hopes have to become concrete realizations. Of course, everything that has been done until now has a certain degree of concretization –books, seminars, congresses- but we enter a time of renovation, and it implies a demand of concretizations, attitudes and behaviors, developments that can make possible a deepening in the origin of development of the feminine identity. Concretizations that show we are a sexual species as a consequence of necessity; therefore, masculine and feminine have to re-find themselves to become united, so that we can leave the slavery of duality.

Without doubt, the feminine is an equivalent and a representative of intermediation between the Divine and the human, as priestess and as an expression of love, which is the most exquisite experience our species has; although for the moment it is ephemeral, too young and too imperfect, it is still something we all need for our nourishment and to keep ourselves alive.

On this tenth anniversary –as they say “ten” is perfection- we join our hands, uniting all ten fingers, so that the pledge becomes perfect, and we give thanks. Thanks to the inspirer of this idea, and thanks to heaven because it has made this possible.

We congratulate the women that have been part of the central group of Feminine Inspiration, but we want to congratulate especially all those women that are in other countries starting and developing in this idea, and they are doing it with enthusiasm and interest of investigation. We congratulate all of us, as specie, because in the small part that corresponds to us, as women recover their identity, men define themselves as males, and we can build an amplified experience of awareness where we can finally suppress pain, where we can stop suffering so we can be happy, and forget that illness ever existed.

We hope you enjoy this video we have elaborated for this celebration, in which we have rescued, with humor and love, some aspects, some theatrical instants in the history of Feminine Inspiration.

Inspiracion X Universario light from Aida on Vimeo.

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