It is funny that
President Obama –after the scandal in Cartagena, Colombia- wants to clean his
guardian’s image with a woman’s face: Mrs. Julia Pierson.
Does Mr. Obama think
that a woman will not go after “young men”? Does he think that a woman is more faithful
to her duty and more honest in her actions? Does he think that men are not to
be trusted?
We have to make
sexual conclusions about this, because all this is linked to a “sexual affair”.
In Spanish, there is a word that represents that act that a male of any species
has when he goes after the female of his same specie: to be in heat, in Spanish
is “celo”. The funny thing about this word is that it also means “zeal”, that
is, to take care of something.
In this Spanish word
“celo” we want to focus, because it describes perfectly well what has happened
in this story. The sex scandal of Cartagena, Colombia, where men go after
females, and Mr. Obama choosing a woman for this job.
This zeal (Celo) or
care that someone has when something is done has a lot to do with women. One of
the qualities a woman has is her ability to “take care” of people, of material
things, etc.
Maybe this gift comes
from her maternal instinct, which branches to all of her environment. Somehow,
there is the notion that –in general- women “take care of”. In this way, when
natural disasters or wars have happened, they have chosen women to take charge
of the distribution of international aids, because they were certain that they
would take care of delivering them to the proper hands and that they wouldn’t
go to sell the goods to black markets, as it usually happens.
The extension of this
maternal sense, which leads her to take care of everyone and everything, is one
of the keys for a real social change. It isn’t a big change, but it is a change
in your neighborhood, community, in your job; and these small places could
become a reference to others. As quantum physicists say: A small change can
trigger a big change inside a system.
This news has made us
reflect about this: If a women has been put in charge of taking care of “the
most important man in the world”, from a “feminine” way of thinking, what is
the most important thing we have to take care of?
We believe it is the
education of our children in the sense of the care. With respect to female
children, giving them the culture, that
until a few years ago it was denied to us –and this still happens in a lot of
places- so that they learn that a woman does not need a man to feel protected
and secure, and they learn to take care of themselves. This way, they will not
create the myth of the “savior prince”. To our male children we can teach to take care of things in
general, so they might loose the social pardon given to men of being allowed to
“rampage” because he is the “lord and owner”. Because of this lack of care of
men in the environment, we have a sacked planet and we have an extremely
violent language.
If they can learn
that taking care of others is a matter of all human species, we will be walking
towards evolution and survival.
We don’t know what
were Mr. Obama’s motives to put his personal security in hands of Mrs. Julia
Pierson. Maybe his ancestral Africa came to his mind; Africa is a continent
where women have had the ability of taking care of their villages and people.
There is no doubt there are “state reasons” for his choice, and Mrs. Pierson’s
résumé is a very heavy one. We wish her –as is said in China- a very long life!
We are particularly
alert in seeing that intrinsic feminine qualities are now at service of a
masculine social organization in very different areas, and they are used to
fill the incompetence gaps of our system. Be careful! Let us not become the
water used to quench the thirst of incompetence, until our well is dried up.
Women should take
care of one another!
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