lunes, 22 de abril de 2013


The headline of this news could not pass by unnoticed: “Men are headed towards extinction, according to a renowned scientist”.

To make this affirmation more convincing, Dr. Graves started her lecture in the Australian Academy of Science saying: “What I am about to say is very bad news for men…”
Scientists tell us that the actual situation of the chromosome Y, and the male species, is that they are evolving towards disappearance.
We can find in the Internet hundreds of entries with comments about this: with or without scientific basis, in favor or against the idea of the disappearance, with fantasies about a world without men… Voices can be heard saying things like “men are less fertile”, “This is the reason why there are so many homosexuals”, “What do we need men for? We will reproduce with the help of the sperm banks”, “A world without men will be better because we will no longer be their slaves”… There are also comments on the other side: “What will we do without men? How will we reproduce?”, “We will have sex only with women!”, The human species will end when the sperm banks end their stock!”… etc.
We do not want to enter in the discussion about pros and cons –we will leave these for you to comment- but we do want to call attention on one thing: throughout the history of what we call LIFE, in this level and on this planet, sexual reproduction became the option (and male and female appeared) for the evolution of the species. It has been observed that species, when they have completed their role, they have disappeared and others have appeared. It has been like this forever. Life has resources for its perpetuation: it adapts, it evolves and remains.
So, with respect to human evolution and both species: men and women, we could ask: if it is true that, as a species, it will disappear because of the evolution of LIFE, can we say that that the male human being has already completed their role or task?
Not male or female, as human beings have completed their role. LIFE offers us the possibility to evolve, to develop in every level, and we have chosen a very limited path, the material and technological way of life. We believe that we have to amplify our aspirations to develop completely and to become proof of the project that was given to us. From the moment that slavery and domination of one species over the other was an option, evolution hasn’t gone on a desirable way. Therefore, from our point of view, men should not yet disappear. We still have important things to do.
When the “Human Femininity” is identified (it includes both men and women, because they both have the X chromosome) and we start to interact with the qualities that belong to that X or feminine, we will be truly doing our task in life, and this will take us to unexpected situations.
There is still a lot to do. Scientists tell us that the male species will disappear in 5 million years… We hope we will not wait that long to complete our task!

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