lunes, 28 de enero de 2013


Global Economic Recession Causing More Deaths For Females Than Males

A 1% fall in GDP increases infant mortality by 7.4 deaths per 1,000 births for girls versus 1.5 for boys, according to a new report from Plan and the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) in the United Kingdom. The research shows how the crisis affects women and children and determines girls as the most affected ones. This research was done in 59 countries, most of them developing countries.

In a research we made in 2006, we discovered that at least 58 million women were missing in the world due to the “one child policy” and the traditional preference for boys, which caused an increasing of selective abortions, a lack of care of female children, and an increase of female infanticide as well.

We could think, or delude ourselves by thinking that, since then until now, things have changed. Even if this dream were true, this article shows us that when things get hard, the truth shows itself, and we can see again that there is a very clear preference of a son in many countries worldwide.

Poverty has and will have a feminine face.

A few years ago we said that women were more affected by crisis than men were, because in order to hire someone, men were usually first chosen. It is also true that many women find jobs more easily because they get paid less than men, they have more availability, and they are willing to take jobs ranked below their capabilities. However, when it comes to equal job, training and wages, men are the chosen ones, in general.

Now we can see the crisis does not only affect this level, but that in many countries, where infanticides still exists, it is growing because when they have limited resources, these are given to males. It is a vicious circle: we are witnesses of sexual violations in India, among other things, because there is a lack of women, and they will continue to be missing. With this attitude, we will witness the self-genocide of misogynist nations.

This is also an evidence of the disdain humanity has, in general, towards women.

How can we act from our lives, from our world, which seems sometimes so far away of this entire situation?

We can act through an education that will promote a different sensitization towards this matter. Educating our sons so that they have a deep respect for women; so that violence isn’t an option for them. To educate them this way, women are the first ones that should act this way, because children only learn what they see.

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