miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2013


                                                               ONE BILLION RISING

On Thursday February 14th of 2013, women and men of all around the world celebrated together the end of the campaign ONE BILLION RISING that was an action day, and, above all, a dance day that claimed for the end of violence against women. It was created by Eve Ensler, an American writer, philosopher and activist, author of the famous play “The Vagina Monologues”.
Biografía Eve Ensler
Eve Ensler

The name of this movement is due to the “V” letter that begins the word “Vagina” and “Valentine” as well (the saint of Love, as the contrary to hate, in many western countries). That is why this project was done on February 14th.
Every year, between February 1st and March 8th (the International Women’s Day) several groups of volunteers worldwide perform the Ensler’s play to get founds for helping regional programs that fight violence against women. So far, the project V-day has gathered more than $40 million, and educated millions of people about domestic violence and the efforts to get rid of it.
Video: One Billion Rising fashmob

Launched on the 2012 Valentine’s Day, the ONE BILLION RAISING campaign started as a call to a world demonstration before the statistical data that “one out of three women worldwide will be beat up, harassed or raped throughout her life.” With an estimated world population of 7 billion women, this percentage would correspond with more than one billion women. 
Video: Short Film about One Billion Rising Women in the World
During the whole year this campaign was developed. People from 206 countries join in to make actions and protests; writers, thinkers, workers, students, poets, dancers, members of parliament, mayors, State representatives, famous people…, as well as 13.000 organizations all over the world, including  Amnesty International, NOW, Human Rights Campaign, European Women's Lobby, Women’s Center of Information and development (CIDEM in Spanish) and MTV among others.
Moreover, UN also joined them with an activity in its headquarters that day, as well as the communiqué of the Secretary-General of United Nations, Ban Ki-moon and the words of the UN Women Executive Director, Michele Bachelet.
Video: ONU Mujeres. I am Rising (Michelle Bachelet’s Message)
It got also the support of UNITE (Deputy Secretary General of United Nations, Jan Kenneth Eliasson) The European Union also joined this campaign with a communiqué of the European Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, Viviane Reding, as well as the support of Štefan Füle, the European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy, who danced with several female members of The European Parliament.
Video: One Billion Rising Flasgmob at the European Parliament
It has been requested in Brussels that the year 2015 should be declared “European Year against Gender-Based Violence.” Among other world authorities that participated, there are also the Belgian Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo and the British Prime Minister David Cameron.
When this campaign started, many people criticized it of being absurd and extravagant. Today, this feminist wave or “tsunami” –as the English-speaking press has baptized it- is crossing every single border. It is a global manifestation to stop violence against women. It has been a global movement: from the most remote places of the planet, people confirmed their agreement with the event, and many of them were men.
New Delhi

It is not a resistance action, of fight or combat. It is not an action to go against. It is not an action of disturbances and screams of hate. It is an action of commemoration and transmission of a message through dance in order to be in tune with feminine energies.
  Contemplating this action reminded us that the lack of communication has been a form of punishment used by the patriarchal society in many spheres. Its tool has been “silence”. Like this we have lived for centuries under the “silence law”. From prisons –where the conflictive inmate is imprisoned in punishment cells, and put in isolation, therefore, to a lack of communication-, to the punishments applied to children when they are isolated from the rest of the class. Silence has been the “cover” to be able to act with impunity.
Keeping this law is a way of domination, domestication and control. This is why several “silences” about investigations, complots, economic operation or just “the things that happen at home” keep taking place.
From the most developed countries to the most undeveloped ones, women’s mistreatment has been “normal”; physical, psychic and moral mistreatment. However, illiteracy, poverty and the lack of health resources have been also a way of mistreatment. This has been women’s “environment”.

Of course, the deep changes we need to stop women’s mistreatment will take a lot of time. These changes should happen not only in men but also among women that have held up and made this humiliating situation possible. The fact that now the “silence law” has been broken is without doubt, an important step forward.

Under the “silence law” pederasty happened on the Catholic Church, and it is not a secret anymore; under the “silence law” economical maneuvers impoverish most of the countries all over the world. Today, there are well known names of those who gambled with someone else’s necessities.  Under the “silence law” our female neighbor’s bruises appear, in spite that we know she is beaten by her husband.
Women’s situation in this planet has become a mankind illness; an illness that is not recognized as such. We could say it is more an epidemic or a pandemic than just an illness. Anyway, it is a chronic process.
From Feminine Inspiration we believe that, as with other different illness, the first step is to acknowledge we are sick. That is the base of different therapies like those given in Alcoholic Anonymous, or many other help groups: The first step is to acknowledge we are sick. Only then, healing resources will appear.
Hong Kong
In this case, even though it is a mankind illness, it is the woman who suffers it. However, she is not aware that it is an illness. When a mistreated woman gives another opportunity to the man who mistreats her because she is waiting for his change, she is giving him another opportunity to mistreat her. Relatively speaking, it is like if a woman with cancer gives another opportunity to her cancer over and over. If that cancer didn’t kill her at first time, it will do it maybe at the second or third one.
Our proposal from several years ago is that a woman must run away when she experiences the first mistreatment. She should move to another city or country. It is really useless to forgive him or to wait for his change. Of course, we could think: “But… must she leave everything she has, beside having been mistreated?” The answer is YES! She must run away because her life is more valuable than everything else she is leaving behind.
Unfortunately, we know this is not a universal recipe because it is absolutely unthinkable in many countries worldwide. Nevertheless, sometimes things are unthinkable until someone dares to think about them.

We strongly believe it is very important that every single woman –and also every single man- should realize that mistreatment is a sort of illness. If we had a female friend with a physical disease, we would give her our help, advice, support, as well as our company in the hospital, or our persistence to get her on treatment. However, if we were before a mistreatment case, it would seem we are before a “private area” that nobody speaks about but everybody disguises it.
It is not a private area!
As many articles say: One out of three women suffer mistreatment worldwide. When someone mistreats a woman, all women are being mistreated.

What has surprised and made us feel better, is that the call to promote this increasing awareness to women’s situation hasn’t had a claimed style -with the amount of violence that it usually has- but it has been proposed through an artistic expression: dance. Communication, solidarity, complicity has been settled on the body, that body that has been humiliated and violated for millenniums.
That is our hope: we are at the dawn of a new way of thinking. In this case, we have felt it through the awareness of millions of people –males and females- to unmask an illness that directly affects women. With art, we will evolve and renovate ourselves. With art, we will paint a new sunrise.

We want to share with you one of the promotional dances videos from New Delhi:
As well as in other paces
This is the link of the official song “Break the Chain” by “The Flash Mobs” that explains why this proposal is through dancing and singing.

We don’t know if one billion people danced, yet many millions did it. That has, for sure, created an energy, an intention that will have its effects, even though we are not able to assess it. 
As healers, we have faith that creational and healing processes work that way.


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