domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2012


When we talk about Feminine Inspiration, the first thing we have to explain is that we are not only talking about women. Both men and women belong to feminine inspiration, why? If we analyze both words, we have INSPIRATION.
Inspiration in Spanish “Inspiración” means inhalation. It is a stage in breathing, and we all breath, men and women. We breath air we cannot see, and we do not know where it comes from, for free!... and it gives us life. Curiously, while we are alive, we cannot stop breathing… It is also said that artists get “inspired”; if we all inhale- inspire (from inspirar in Spanish), we could say that we are all artists. We are all inspired, even if we want it or not.
FEMININE. It turns out that both men and women are “feminine”. We both have the X chromosome; men’s is XY, women’s XX.
That means we are all in the same ship!
The work objective of this group, which resides in Tian, and that has been investigating and giving seminars about this topic for 10 years now, is to investigate the FEMININE IDENTITY.
Because the qualities that belong to the feminine are not known. Yes… we do know traits, like that the feminine is more sensitive… that she appreciates a sense of beauty… that she tends to smarten up more… we cry more… But we do not know the feminine true nature.
Why? Because the conditions in which patriarchal societies have developed –for 10,000 years more or less- have not allowed this qualities to flourish (we shall analyze in our next chats how this happened).
But, in the whole, we could say that the patriarchal society has developed in a warrior culture, thus violent. A warrior society implies the abolition of aspects like tenderness, solidarity, the holistic, and that favors strongly individualistic societies.
The whole area of emotions, tenderness, solidarity, spirituality… communication, which are qualities of life, have not been expressed during these 10,000 years. Therefore, they are asleep. They remain, but they are forgotten, and what is worse, they have no value in a society where competition predominates.
Curiously, approximately about a century ago, women have been “incorporated to the world”. Until then, she had worked a lot! But her duties where at home. Her incorporation to the world was not fruit of a humanist evolution of society, or a necessity of counting with the feminine, no! It was an economical necessity of the incipient industrial society. A lot of workforce was needed, it had to be cheap, therefore less qualified, and that was the woman. Therefore, the so-called “women’s liberation” was not so, it was but a social and economic interest. We shall speak about this as well some other time.
This incorporation of women to the world could have brought as well the incorporation of the feminine side, of men as of women, but it was obvious that the economic and competitive criteria had to be kept, it was an industrial revolution, not a humanist revolution! Therefore the feminine values where not a good contribution and where left in the shadows.
As a consequence, women had to adopt the male’s way of thinking when she performed her work, in the organization of activities, planning the economy… Ask yourselves why the world is still the same although millions of women go to work everyday. The paradigms are still the ones of the lords of war.
The world has gone too fast. The appearance of women in all the spheres of the actual life is the evidence: There are more businesswomen than businessmen, more women doctors than male doctors… women secretaries, ministers… scientists… The problem is that women have a masculine style. It comes from an imitation of men, because she still considers him as a superior that is why she imitates him.
Women are going to get in charge of things, but if she makes them from a masculine role, the result is not going to be authentic, because it is an imitation.
Nowadays, when we are getting clear signs of a possible species disappearance, nowadays when religious, economic, cultural, social, and communication paradigms are falling as a house of cards, we see that we do not have any ideas that really involve a change in how things are, and think it is urgent and imperative that the feminine qualities of the humanity should flourish; because this feminine qualities are a reflection of how life behaves: with solidarity, with communicating structures, that don’t exclude anything, that search for common well-being –not for private benefits- where beauty predominates… where reason gives way to emotion. It is not an ideal world, it is a real world!, as a mirror of creation.
Because the woman is XX, the holder of life, it is her duty to discover this silenced and asleep identity. We believe that, in this moment of chaos and decrepitude, history awaits for her to offer –from her inspiration- new coordinates that lead humanity to a fearless living, without attachments or slavery.
And from this healing school we promote this search, because the way humanity has expressed life until now, has not been healthy. We just have to take a look around or see ourselves to discover ourselves as unhealthy beings. And a disease is not just the plague, or the flu, cancer, or AIDS; disease is also hunger, poverty and lack of culture.
In feminine inspiration there is a lack of belief in the battle of the sexes. That is an approach that does not favor life. We rather think that we are different species, with different qualities… not better or worse. The expression of an emotion is beautiful, but sometimes reason is necessary… Life organizes with an interrelation criterion, not of predominance, and thanks to this, it evolves.
We are sexed species, two different species, and our interrelation, under a NO DOMINATION over another criterion, is what can make this species evolve to other directions. The path is to see how we can do something new together.
The “Feminine Inspiration” group is formed to give an answer to the identity of women, to discover aspects which have not yet been discovered, that are there, but have not been expressed, or that were there, but they have not been used.
What the feminine, personified in women, can and must do, in the beginnings of the 21st century, could be decisive to a new beginning. We do not have to feel like heroines, leading roles are male-like, we have to live it with devotion and love, this characterizes us as women-mothers.
Men and Women! Welcome to Feminine Inspiration!

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